support services



We perform Drupal site audit and optimization to identify pain points and vulnerabilities, 分析网站功能, code, 自定义模块/扩展, architecture, UI/UX, integrations, security audit, 洞察竞争对手,为数字化成功迈出第一步.




Bug fixes and repairs are a crucial part of our Drupal maintenance and support services. Our Drupal maintenance services include simple to complex bug fixes to ensure the perfect performance of the website or solution.



Drupal Upgrades & Migration

Upgrade your website to Drupal 10 for better security, accessibility, and performance. 我们的Drupal开发人员在高效方面有10年的经验, quick, 以及从Drupal 7到Drupal 10的无缝迁移, Drupal 8 to 10, or Drupal 9 to 10.

Drupal Upgrades & Migration



我们定期监控Drupal安全更新, Drupal核心和模块更新, 其他依赖项,如Symfony, perform audits, 修复漏洞, 其他必要的更新,确保网站的性能.




Whether you need to maintain and require uptime monitoring for single or multiple Drupal websites, 我们保证您网站的可用性.



Drupal Support

我们的Drupal支持团队致力于确定问题的根本原因, 提供解决方案, 维修和解决事故. 我们提供强大的Drupal支持,以提供业界领先的, resilient, and intelligent network which is scalable to keep your website performance at peak.

Drupal Support



Drupal core uses a regular release cycle to introduce new features and security updates. To keep your website up to date; we provide Drupal modules updates, feature, 功能和界面增强, scalability, 定期的安全更新, 持续优化, and more.




我们为机构提供白标Drupal维护和支持服务, 网络开发公司, content team, 数字营销机构, and IT industry.




Our Drupal All in One Accessibility module is based on AI to enhance accessibility and usability of the website according to the standards including WCAG 2.1, 2.2, ATAG 2.0, ADA, Section 508, Australian DDA, 欧洲EAA EN 301 549, 英国平等法案, 以色列标准5568, California Unruh, Ontario AODA, 加拿大ACA德国BITV, France RGAA, 巴西包容法(LBI.146/2015), 西班牙UNE 139803:2012, Japan JIS X 8341, 意大利斯坦卡法案, Switzerland DDA, 奥地利无障碍网页法案(WZG)! 它是理想的初创企业,微型,小型和中型企业网站. 它有60多个功能,支持140多种语言, 它的价格取决于Drupal网站的大小和页面浏览量. 多站点计划也可用.

Read more 关于快速Drupal网站无障碍解决方案




我们管理的Drupal网站可访问性补救服务包括审计, consulting, remediation, maintenance, training, 文档修复, VPAT report, 持续的监控, and support. It is ideal for websites and digital assets of large enterprises, federal and state governments. 我们的解决方案修复Drupal网站符合ADA, WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2, ATAT 2.0, Section 508, Australian DDA, 欧洲EAA EN 301 549, 英国平等法案, 以色列标准5568, California Unruh, Ontario AODA, Canada ACA, German BITV, France RGAA, 巴西包容法(LBI.146/2015), 西班牙UNE 139803:2012, Japan JIS X 8341, 意大利斯坦卡法案, Switzerland DDA, 奥地利无障碍网页法案(WZG).

Read more 关于管理Drupal网站可访问性补救




We are a Drupal金牌认证合作伙伴 supporting and contributing to the Drupal Association and project. We go above and beyond to meet additional criteria of contribution back to the Drupal projects.


We are proud to announce that we are a Drupal高级支持合作伙伴 fostering and supporting the dynamic Drupal community across the world.


We help to configure and customize Drupal websites and applications to meet your business requirements.


我们有一个专家团队,他们拥有FedRAMP的专业知识, PCI DSS, 和HIPAA法规来支持您的应用程序和业务需求. We provide WCAG 2.1和ADA兼容的Drupal网站可访问性修复服务. We ensure about up-to-date speed, browser compatibility, and core web vitals improvements.


If there are any concerns or issues, you can always get in touch with our Drupal support team. 我们的Drupal开发人员随时准备为您提供最佳解决方案, 解决任何错误或问题 & 进行故障排除.


我们提供与A/B测试的集成, data analytics, 大规模可用性测试, Google Analytics 4, tag manager and more with your Drupal website or application for proven results.


  • 您的网站全天候可用.
  • 敏捷开发过程.
  • 多种语言能力.
  • 与行业标准方法更好地集成.


当我提出问题或提出需要时, the team of Skynet Technologies was always quick to tackle the issue and provide a solution. 我们的网站建在一个过时的网站上, no longer maintained Drupal 6 e-commerce module and we needed to find someone with the technical experience to not only upgrade the website from Drupal 6 to Drupal 7 but to also migrate all our sales data from one commerce module to another. 这是一个具有挑战性的项目.

我是通过在线搜索Drupal开发找到它们的. I think for me it was their confidence and their responsiveness that sold me on the project. They did a fantastic job upgrading my very outdated Drupal 6 e-commerce website up to Drupal 7 e-commerce website... Read more 关于约翰·索萨德的感言

John Southard 南方工程公司总裁.
Gainesville, FL

At first, we were a little reticent to work with a company that had an overseas development team, especially after working with a string of largely unresponsive local programmers. 但从第一份工作开始,拉杰和他的团队就一直是我们的宝贵财富. They’ve become our go-to developers — and really, an extension of our team for ten years now.

Skynet’s technical knowledge is unmatched — we’ve never given them a challenge they couldn’t solve. 他们的反应非常灵敏,办事流程也很好. 我们最喜欢的把戏之一是, 在我们工作日结束的时候, 向天网团队提供我们需要做的事情的清单. 然后,我们发现所有这些任务在第二天早上都已经完成了. 这些看似神奇的一夜解决方案... Read more 关于Team EG的感言

Team EG Nevada, USA


一个安全无缝的Drupal 6.x to Drupal 7.位于佛罗里达州盖恩斯维尔的在线教育课程提供商!

客户提供民事方面的继续教育课程, 电岩土, mechanical, 结构工程. Their goal is to provide quality continuing education courses at a great price. The client has approached us to migrate their outdated Drupal ecommerce site from Drupal 6.升级到Drupal 7.x.

Migrating a website from one platform to another can be a stressful and uncertain time if it is not carefully planned and well-executed. A good roadmap is necessary for upgrading the latest version within the CMS (Content Management System), 实现平稳过渡和最小停机时间.

Read More 关于Drupal迁移案例研究


我们使用Drupal 7、8、9和10.

Our in-house Drupal developers have on average over 7 years of experience in delivering full-suite of Drupal services. 雇佣我们的Drupal开发人员.

请致电(810)-358-8040与我们联系,或者您也可以提交 request a quote 填写表格或发邮件给我们 [email protected].

定期维护Drupal可确保您的网站保持安全, 执行效果最佳, 并与最新的功能和安全补丁保持同步, 防止问题和漏洞, 性能下降, 过时的功能.

A Drupal support retainer typically includes a set number of hours that can be used for various support and development tasks. 这可能包括故障排除, updates, emergency support, 以及其他特定需求.

响应时间可能因您的支持协议条款而异. Typically, reputable Drupal support services offer fast response times for critical issues to minimize downtime and address urgent matters promptly.

定期的安全审计、更新和监视是必不可少的. 作为Drupal维护服务提供商, 我们进行安全检查, 及时打补丁, 并提供持续的支持,以增强Drupal网站的安全性. Reach out to [email protected] 或者你也可以提交 request a quote form.

Our Drupal experts are here to troubleshoot and resolve any issues you may be experiencing, 确保Drupal站点的顺利运行. Reach out to [email protected].

Yes, 它包括已执行任务的更新, 洞察网站的健康状况, 以及改进或优化的建议. Reach out to [email protected] 了解更多信息.

Certainly! We offer comprehensive hosting and SSL management services to ensure the seamless operation and security of your online presence. We are expertise in different hosting platforms like Inmotion Hosting, Acquia, and Pantheon.

Drupal website maintenance ensures regular monitoring and upgrades including emergency security updates, 次要版本更新, regular backups, hosting support, 并报告,以确保网站的性能.


是的,请通过提交pg电子官网 申请报价表格.

Drupal维护的频率取决于网站的复杂程度, 使用的模块和主题的数量, 以及站点的更新要求. 建议每月或每季度进行一次维护.

没有定期维护, 您的Drupal网站可能容易受到安全威胁, 体验性能问题, 在功能和更新方面落后. Timely maintenance helps prevent these issues and ensures a reliable web presence.

Drupal Security updates address vulnerabilities that could be exploited by malicious actors. Consistently applying security updates is essential to protect your Drupal site from potential security threats and ensure the safety of user data.

Updating Drupal core and modules involves accessing the administrative interface, 导航到更新管理器, 按照提示安装可用的更新. 在此之前,进行备份以避免数据丢失至关重要. Reach out to [email protected] 任何形式的帮助.

为Drupal社区做贡献可能涉及各种活动, 比如参加论坛, 帮助编写文档, 为Drupal核心或模块贡献代码, 参加Drupal活动, 与他人分享知识.

是的,我们的Drupal维护服务包括协助升级. 这确保了平稳过渡到最新的Drupal版本, 受益于新功能, improvements, 增强安全性.

Get started with Drupal维护和支持

